My Writing


Below is a small sample of the thousands of stories I have written in my career. I have tried to include a bit of everything: breaking news, a magazine article, an opinion piece, enterprise work, a scoop, stories from court documents, and an online Storify about journalism education.

Taking my J-school class to cover the Luka Magnotta trial: This column about the pros and cons of taking students to this gruesome trial is among several I have written about journalism education for J-Source. March 2015.

Education Matters: How to keep your J-students motivated when the industry is facing a crisis. This J-Source column deals with suggestions on how to inspire students at a time of industry uncertainty. October 2014.

What should be taught in journalism school? A Storify. November 2013.

Building Consensus: My cover story for Canadian Lawyer magazine recounts how Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin uses “soft power” to influence her bench mates and the Canadian public. It is one of dozens of stories I have written about the chief justice. July 2013.

Canada’s Chief Doctor Cared for the Health of a Nation But Neglected His Own: As David Butler-Jones steps down as Canada’s chief public health officer, he laments in an interview that he wishes he took better care of his own health. I have included this story because I researched and wrote in in about three hours. September 2013.

How Not to Lighten Up Your Research: This tongue-in-cheek opinion piece for University Affairs magazine knocks the three-minute thesis competition and other game-show tactics of elevator pitching your research. April 2013.

From Leader to Law: PM’s Former Chef Heads to the Supreme Court: I enjoyed writing this delicious little scoop about the Supreme Court poaching Stephen Harper’s chef. November 2010.

Media Can’t Shield Sources All the Time, Top Court Rules: This piece about the National Post’s failed legal battle to shield confidential sources from police is among the dozens of stories I wrote about media law during the 12 years I covered the Supreme Court of Canada and justice beat. May 2010.

Top Court to Rule on Hyperlink Libel Case. A 2010 story on whether the practice of hyperlinking can expose a writer to a lawsuit if a linked article is defamatory.

Harper Initially Supported Long-Gun Registry. In September 2010, I wrote about 20 stories, many of which were original pieces, during the lead-up to a House of Commons vote on abolishing the federal gun registry. I wrote this one by digging up old news clippings.

Emboldened Federal Court Challenges Harper Foreign Policy. As well as extensively covering the Supreme Court of Canada for more than a decade, I also wrote hundreds of stories involving the more-obscure Federal Court, which was a gold mine because it was ignored by most of the media. Here is a story I wrote in June 2009, about a trend of the court retreating from an earlier deference to government on anti-terrorism cases.

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